For at least 2 (two) days after installation, keep pets & children off the garden edging.
Avoid lawn chemicals containing copper sulphate & other ingredients (This may stain the curbing).
As the concrete takes app. 28 days to cure to its full strength – refrain form any type of gardening activity around your concrete edging. Don’t allow metal objects (e.g. rakes & garden spades) to come into contact with the edging until the edging is completely set (cured).
For extra protection, apply KerbSeal every year – ask Frikkie about it.
In order to remove mould/mildew from the concrete curbing, use a soft brush. Rinse the edging thoroughly once clean.
NOTES – out of our control
Due to nature (sun, rain etc) slight fading of your edging is unavoidable & normal. Periodical applications of a sealer will protect your edging.
Tree roots, vehicle traffic and subsidence of the ground might crack the concrete garden edging.